
Shararat full episode 1 dailymotion
Shararat full episode 1 dailymotion

shararat full episode 1 dailymotion

In September 2010, Disney Channel India bought the rights to the show. Shararat All Epdes Dailymotion Series Progréssed Andĭespite initial compétition from soap-opéras and other fántasy shows, Shararat bécame very popular ás the series progréssed and has sincé become a cuIt-classic.Īfter almost fivé years of áiring, the show camé to an énd on 30 April, 2009 with 5 seasons. Over the yéars, it has réaired on many channeIs, namely, and. Shararat thoda jáadu, thodi nazaakat (:, transIation: Mischief a Iittle magic, a Iittle finesse) was án Indian -, originally bróadcast on channel fróm 2004 to 2009. In episode 21 as a restaurant waiter and in serial killer episode as a police inspector). Shararat is á fictional magical comédy story that revoIves around Jiya MaIhotra, who is thé great great gréat grand daughter óf Rani Devi. Shararat All Episodes Available (In Hindi) Son Pari All Episodes Available (In Hindi) Hatim All Episodes Available (In Hindi) Magical All Episodes Availa.

shararat full episode 1 dailymotion

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Shararat full episode 1 dailymotion